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Certified Blockchain Professional Training

Certified Blockchain Professional Training (CBPT)
  • (124 Ratings)


The blockchain tester track equips participants with the latest tools and techniques to develop fully tested, cleanly designed application featuring intergrated blockchain technologies ith the master course emphasizing the popular tools ethereum and hyperledger fabric.course discuss cryptography technology, test planning,testing integrated network platforms,transcation validation,and non- functional testing,the knowledge-based certification in this track are certified blockchain professional tester (CBPT) and certified blockchain master tester (CBMT).This track is developed for : professionals, including software engineers,who need to understand how to test decentralized blockchain application.

Learning Objectives

A certified blockchain professional tester knows how to test the strength of blockchain integrated smart contracts, peer/node networks, and test for non- functionality. A certified blockchain tester professional can test blockchain-based application for enterprises and businesses in multiple blockchain technologies. The CBPT credential certifies individuals in blockchain testing from a vendor-neutral perspective

Target Audience

The ideal CBPT participant is very familiar with software test processes, and has worked with at least one programming language. The candidate should also have basic knowledge of AWS. Microsoft Azure, as well as awareness of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin,thereum etc.